HOT Owl Teachers in this classroom we are a team poster

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3 min readApr 7, 2021

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If you have seen an owl before, you know they are quite extraordinary birds. In their most basic form, an owl is a small, dark-colored bird with a short, pendulous wings and clumsy grasping feet. The male owl has a highly enlarged ruff of feathers called the humped crest. The male owl has highly sensitive eyesight, capable of seeing far away, although they are quite small and cannot fly as well as the females. Owls usually live in trees but also enjoy a variety of open fields, wooded areas, and cemeteries.

Hunting owls usually live in forests where they hunt many different types of prey including mice, rabbits, voles, shrews, rats, voles, and birds. They usually catch their food in late winter or early spring and are usually found around bird feeders, cliffs, and ledges waiting for their next meal. Owls hunt slowly and with great stealth, often silently stalking and prying their prey from hiding places until they are ready to strike.

A variety of species are members of the owl family, all with a long wingspan and short underwing. The only true owl species in the United States is the eastern owl, which is native to Canada and Alaska. North America’s only owl species is the barn owl, which is native to Maine and New England. There are several subspecies of owl, including the barn owl, the western red-winged owl, the cinnamon-winged owl, the western white-winged owl, the owl that travel, the shorebirds owl, and the owl of steel-waisted pants. Each subspecies vary in color and size, but all are generally dark in color with bright red eyes.

The large and small owls all have a series of calls that they make during mating season that is very similar to that of songbirds. They also all have a high-pitched whining sound, called a barorella, which is sort of like a bug zapper. The female owl makes these sounds as she prepares to lay eggs.

One of the most common causes of death for both birds and people in the United States is mistreatment. It has been estimated that millions of birds are killed each year by hunters who try to take down large owls that are found within the states. Despite these deaths, the owl population continues to grow. Overharvesting has caused many of the birds to be killed, along with the farmers who raise them for meat. In order to help conserve the owl populations, it is important to never kill an owl without first attempting to approach it with caution. Even when you are confident that the owl is friendly, you should still attempt to grab a bird.

Unlike hawks and eagles, owls are not commonly hunted, especially by humans. The few times that hunters have tried and failed to catch owls have usually happened when there were no owls present. While there are many different theories as to why owls are rarely targeted by humans, it remains a popular belief that they are related to the behavior of other animals in the animal kingdom. O Owls are simply too flightless to be a viable target for any hunter.

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