HOT We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have poster

Fashion show
3 min readApr 1, 2021

Buy it here: We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have poster

The We that We create is a manifestation of the Divine in the Universe. We are not our ideas, but We are the thoughts and feeling generated by those ideas. We are the expressions of the Divine on Earth. We are all connected, we are all one. We are connected to everyone and everything that is, or ever will be in the Universe.

What we think about, we do, and what we don’t think about, we don’t do. It is this connection that is the heart of the Universal Law of Attraction, the most powerful law in the universe. When We create our realities, Our reality, We create our power.

What we think about, we do, and what we don’t think about, we don’t do. This is why it is so easy to attract what we don’t want in this lifetime. Think about the energy you have at home in your room, garage, basement, on the road, etc. Do you think most of this energy is flowing toward you? If not, then this is because of the energy you are sending to or drawing back from yourself, and the reality you are creating for yourself, and others.

You are sending out an infinite energy, to everyone and everything that is, or ever will be in the Universe. When We create reality, we are creating reality for ourselves, as well as others. Everything is connected, everything is one. There is no way to separate yourself from Everyone and Everything. Not now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, not next year.

You are your number one vessel, and the lifeblood of the Universal Mind and the Universe. Your life, your energy, your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, are the tools that You use to draw back and use in order to create for Others. You are the architect and engineer of your own life. You are the only one accountable to Yourself. You hold the key to Who You Are.

The Universe abounds with energy, vast and deep, so abundant in the fact that it is almost impossible to gauge it all. You can only manage to grasp a very small piece of it at a time, if ever. You are the only one who knows where Your Self is in the mix of things, and how you choose to act and respond to what the Universe is sending to You. The bottom line is that you are responsible for the energy You send out, and the energy you receive back to Yourself, and those who come into your life through the doors you create for them.

Seen more at: We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have poster

